Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday Reflection

Praise to Christ for his most sorrowful passion. Through the blood and water that poured from his side, we are washed clean and made new. It is through his sorrowful passion that we are brought the glorious mystery of his resurrection and the promise that he will make a way for us to be with Him and the Father in heaven for eternity.

Praise to Christ's redeeming blood and the 7 glorious wounds, the selfless sacrifice he made for the love of us, to willingly offer himself to be the sacrificial lamb that we may find forgiveness through him, from God our Father,
Praise to the Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Praise to the Holy Cross, upon which our savior lovingly carried to his place of crucifixion because he loved us so.

Blessed be Mother Mary of the seven sorrows as she held her Son and kissed his wounds after he was placed in her arms when taken down from the cross. Her love for God was so pure, that she bravely watched her Son die so that he could make everything new. She willingly took the role of our loving Mother for we are also God's children, and she loves us as her own.

Thanks be to God for this glorious Good Friday.


God Bless my Readers

- I say Amen -

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