Monday, May 15, 2017

3rd secret of Fatima

I've had a few people ask if I could give the gist of something I talked about in a previous post on Fatima, because they are unable to access the documentary I linked because of bandwidth issues on their end. (it's over 2 hours long, so some servers may not be able to handle it, especially if you're on your phone using data.)

Basically, here's the general idea.

We all know about Mary appearing to the three children - Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco. We Traditional Catholics with whole hearts believe in these little visionaries.

They lived in a time when Catholics were being persecuted in Portugal, churches were being shut down. These three children were illiterate, they couldn't read or write, and they weren't raised in the church as it was not easy for them to attend church because of the government. Being such little children, (10, 9 and 7) they probably didn't get a full education in Catholic theology at the time. Yet these little children had such a spiritual knowledge, and were so full of love for God and Mother Mary, it could be nothing short of a miracle.

Mary also explained things about Russia, things they didn't understand. They thought Russia was the name of a girl at first. So it wasn't like the children made something up about current events. These were events that had not yet come to pass about things they didn't understand.

They told some of what Mary had told them, such as the two little saints Jacinta and Francisco would soon go to heaven... and Mary was proven to be true to her word. Complications from influenza would claim the two little children 10 months apart from each other at ages 10 and then 9.

So we believe in the vision of Fatima. We believe whole heartedly in these little visionaries. But here is where it gets a little off.

At one point in the late 50's, Lucia became ill with the same influenza that claimed her cousins in 1919 and 1920, and she gave the third secret in writing saying clearly, it must be released upon her death, or in 1960. Which ever came first. Some believe this to mean, she thought she was nearing her death. Things had come to pass as the Blessed Mother said. The young children left her alone, and she lived as sole keeper of the secrets over 30 years after the passing of Jacinta in 1920. Once she wrote down the secret, her lonely life as sole survivor was now over, and she could go to heaven as Mother Mary promised. When asked why she thought they should wait, she said, "In 1960 it would become clear". Then they believe she died.

In 1960 when Vatican II just happened to be coming to be... and they announced they would NOT release the secret of Fatima given by Lucia. This was completely contradictory to what Lucia desired, so there were people asking questions.

Then came "Vatican II" Lucia who started touting the Vatican II Papacy's argument. "It was never meant to be released". She said one time. Completely contradictory to what she stated when she wrote it in the first place. (It must be made known in 1960 or upon my death, whichever came first.)

How did an imposter so easily fake people out? Because back in that day, Carmelite nuns were not easily visible. they lived out of the public eye. Lucia's own family would rarely see her. And since the internet did not exist, you couldn't pull up and compare photos like we can do now. in Fact, her family probably had so few photos of her, especially after she entered the convent, it would be easy to not recognize her after years apart. Here are a few photos. Click on them to enlarge them if you can not read the captions.


That woman is not the same as Lucia, unless Lucia had plastic surgery and dental work.

So now we have a woman who doesn't even resemble herself physically... and is denouncing the release of the secret that she once insisted MUST be released in 1960 or upon her death, whichever came first.

There is also, in the documentary, evidence laid out by handwriting experts that show the two Lucia's had different ways of writing.

Then there is what was finally released about the third secret. It describes a vision where a pope is martyred on a mountain of martyrs. (Killed by guns and arrows by a band of soldiers). The Vatican interpreted this as the assassination attempt of Pope John Paul II which they said brought the prophecy to a conclusion. But there is a problem.

Lucia said that it would be clear come 1960. What would be made clear in 1960 about a 1981 assassination attempt? There was another concerning thing, Mary always explained the visions the children had so they'd understand. Not a single word from the Mother accompanies this secret. Could it be that even those who faked this secret were afraid that putting words into the Blessed Mother's mouth was one step too far?

Then, the most glaring error, the pope was NOT martyred by a band of soldiers. JPII was wounded by a lone gun man, and there was no mountain of martyrs. He was the only one attacked. Things our Mother Mary said to the children were always truthful, accurate, and came to pass without fail. Either we have to say she was wrong about how this vision would end, or this vision is a fake.

So it is believed by those who do not trust Vatican II, that the real secret was about a great apostasy coming to the church, which could be interpreted as Vatican II itself being the apostasy  (Thus why Lucia said it would become clear in 1960 which is when Vatican II was enacted). And because they found it would embarrass the church... they have gone to great lengths to keep it from ever being released.

And you only have to look at what has been happening in modern times that has come from Vatican II. We'll talk about that in future blogs. But let me cover a few.

1. Liturgical changes. The Liturgy has become more watered down.
2. The Removal of the exorcism prayer of St. Michael the Archangel... still used by Traditional Catholics and exorcists.
3. The removal of the tabernacle from the center of the church and replaced with the throne of man.
4. in 2004 a Hindu ceremony was allowed to be performed a the Shrine of Fatima, the Bishop even allowing himself to be draped in Hindu robes embroidered with pagan mythological passages
5. Many modern priests deny the existence of demons claiming they are personal evils and not actual entities.
6. There is a call to not convert other religions as all gods lead to the same God, despite Christ himself saying NO ONE will go to the Father BUT THROUGH HIM. The church's stance is in contradiction to what Christ said himself.
7. Sin is being accepted. There is a call to focus on social agendas such as Global warming over abortions, homosexuality and the breakdown of the sanctity of marriage.
8. (This is important) No Pope in Vatican II has consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart. Pope JPII consecrated the world, but neglected to mention Russia specifically. He did not do as the Lady asked, thus the consecration has not come to be, and Our Lady said there would come a time when they would fulfill her desire, but it would come too late. The church has denied our Lady's request. It is said, Pope JPII was forced to not mention Russia specifically. The Church stopped him from doing so, which is why he consecrated the world, rather than do as Mary requested.

This is just a short list. Could that be the true secret? And if it is, what other part of the secret do we not know?

Mary's messages have always come to pass. One day, that which is hidden will come to the light. If we are wrong, God forgive us our folly... But even as a child I always found that two plus two equaled six in the modern church... much of what I learned through Catholic School, then CCD, never seemed to add up to what the bible itself said. When I learned about Traditional Catholics who followed the old traditions of the Church and learned about what the church was prior to Vatican II... It seemed to make more sense to me.

May God open our eyes to the message he sent with our Blessed Mother, that we may defend His church.

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