Monday, June 4, 2018

Catholics and Abortion

Sadly, Ireland has chosen to legalize abortion. Most people say this is a win for women's rights. However, it is actually killing millions of women every day. Maybe not fully grown women, but millions of future women. 

Women keep chanting, "My body, My Choice"... but it isn't their body that's being ripped apart. It isn't their body being killed. It isn't their choice being erased.

This is a side by side of a 4D ultrasound of a baby in the womb vs when the baby has been born. Do you notice much of a difference? Other than where the baby temporarily resides, what is the difference between the child in the womb and out of the womb? He still has the same nose, the same lips, the same eyes, the same chin, the same chubby arms, the same 10 fingers and 10 toes. The baby that is born is the same child inside the womb in every way.

This child, even in the womb, has it's own body, it's own heartbeat, it's own brain that is growing and learning, it's own completely unique, one of a kind genetic makeup. It is its own individual person. the child has its own identity completely separate from the mother's. It is not HER body... it is a separate life's body. That life has a spirit, that life has a choice... but can't speak for itself. The baby's only advocate wants her choice to supersede the choice of the most innocent.

It has been scientifically proven that a child can learn in utero. That's why doctors now tell you to play music for the unborn child, to talk to the child, it's why they believe a newborn who has never met their mother, calms down at her touch and her voice, because they learned who she is in utero and know her.

It's been scientifically proven that an unborn child (or fetus) can feel and react to physical stimulus, including when someone presses on the mother's belly... and by the time most babies in the womb are aborted, they already have the ability to feel pain. So as their limbs are being ripped away from their tiny bodies, they are
feeling every second of it


A child that is unborn would not be okay with dying. Their sole purpose is to survive, to grow, and to be born. Yet that right to choose what to do with THEIR body is taken away from them.

Gianna Jensen was aborted. In fact, she was a late term abortion. Her mother went to planned parenthood where they injected a solution into the womb. This solution is inhaled by the fetus, and after ingestion starts to burn the fetus from the inside out until death. in 24 hours, the mother will deliver a dead child. Everyone says, "it's okay cause it's not a life until it's outside of the womb, so if it dies in the womb, it's not murder."

Gianna Jensen was meant to die in a horrific way, in an excruciatingly painful way (Because, again... not only was it scientifically proven that fetuses much younger than she was at the time of her abortion, can feel pain... but it's scientifically proven that an infant feels greater pain than adults because their nerves are hypersensitive until a certain age after birth)... so for that fetus being injected with this solution, the pain must be indescribably bad. 

She was unborn... she was to die in her mother's womb... but miraculously she is still here to talk about how grateful she is for her life. She was adopted by loving parents and thanks God every day for allowing her to live. Not her mother... GOD. He pulled her through the attempted murder and allowed her to be born and adopted by a wonderful family who accepted her even though the attempted abortion left her with medical issues (The abortion caused her to have cerebral palsy). Today she still speaks at pro-life events. Her survival proves she was a life inside the womb. If she were not a life, she would have easily expired from the abortion.

the word "abort" means to bring to a premature end. You can only end something that has begun. So to abort a baby is to end a life that has begun. By the very definition of abortion, you have to acknowledge that it is a life you are ending.

Then there is the rape argument. "Why victimize the woman more by forcing her to have a child of a rapist?"

That argument is flawed.

1. statistics show that the vast majority of abortions are after the fact birth control, not rape or medical emergency. These statistics were before modern medical advancements. Thanks to modern medicine, pregnancies that were once life and death for a mother, can now be managed without abortion, and with the morning after pill being given after a rape to stop conception, the statistics today for rape/medical emergency has dropped even lower than before... meaning the main reason for an abortion is because two consenting sexual partners (whether adults or teens) could not control their urges and had an oops that an innocent life has to pay the price for.

There is a reason the bible warns against sexual promiscuity outside of marriage. St Paul even says if someone can not control their sexual desires, it is better for them to be married and indulge with their spouse, than to suffer the fires of hell for indulging in sexual immorality. The sin of abortion is another reason for not indulging our carnal desires outside of the bonds of marriage.

So the rape argument is moot as it is statistically the lowest cause of abortion. Today it is less than 1%.

2. A child is completely innocent, and half of the genetic code belongs to the mother. To kill a child for the vile sins of the rapist would be like: a mother of 4 driving drunk kills a state trooper in an accident... so they go to the children's school, take one out of class, and have the child executed because of the mother's crime.

Should an innocent child be put to death because of a wrong the mother did? So why should an innocent unborn child who did nothing wrong in the world except try to exist, be put to death? Especially when there are so many families that would want that child. 

Of course it is sad that there are "Catholics" and "Christians" who support "women's rights" to rob a future woman of her rights. I put the words Christian and Catholics in quotations because they are not truly Christian or Catholic since the bible is VERY clear about how God feels about life. Children are lives, even if they are unborn. God is clear about that in the bible. So if an unborn child is a life, killing that child is murder which is a mortal sin according to God's commandments. So abortion is abhorrent to God.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart" - Jeremiah 1:5

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." - Matthew 19:14

When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. - Luke 1:41

This is why Catholics oppose abortion. They are life. Even in the womb, John the Baptist leapt at the presence of Mary and the fruit of her womb, Jesus.

God knew us before we were even conceived! Jesus, who started life as an unborn baby himself, states that heaven belongs to the children such as the ones he brought to himself. Elizabeth's unborn baby leaped in her womb with joy... for an unborn infant to leap in the womb at the presence of Mary and the fruit of her own womb, Jesus... that means Elizabeth's unborn child (John the Baptist), was alive and feeling emotion.

God is very clear that even an unborn life is still a life. And he knew our soul before it even was a spark in our parent's eye.

So if you are Christian, you must oppose abortion, or you are opposing God. Even if you never have an abortion yourself, to support the right is to condone the act, making you complicit in this grave sin as if you HAVE committed the act yourself.

Pray for life.

Pray for those who support abortion that their eyes may be opened before it's too late.

Pray for those who commit abortion that they may seek true redemption through the blood Christ shed on the cross at Calvary for all of us.

Pray for those who have the courage to give life a chance.

Pray for mothers.

Immaculate Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

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