Monday, July 9, 2018

Update on LizzieAnswers

Nearly 1 year ago (August 2017) I wrote a blog about a "Protestant Who Kind of Gets It" - she could see some of the lies spread about Catholicism, lies that I spent the first several blog posts trying to dispel myself, and it was nice to see a protestant who actually understood.

She wasn't quiet there, because she still had false beliefs (like birth control) but she was so close. I closed the blog post with "God Bless this girl. I will pray for her and her continued growth as a child of God. I hope if she ever finds her way to this blog, she'll find more truths about the Catholic faith."


I was looking through YouTube to find the movie based on the life of St. Therese of Lisieux because I am going to an exhibition on her life (fingers crossed) Next week, provided they haven't left yet to the next city. That is when I came across a face I recognized and the video title: Why I'm Becoming Catholic (From an ex-protestant)

Young Liz from LizzieAnswers, a protestant whose video I cited almost a year ago, has converted. Glory to God on High. 

She is still not 100% right with the faith. A lot of it is that she's young and has a lot of ideals that were embedded into her from an early age by those who hated Catholicism, and just by lack of education in the faith... but some of it is a misunderstanding because of the modernization of the Catholic Church through Vatican II and the papal misteachings, near heresies coming from Pope Francis... but as she grows to love the faith, she will learn it all. 

I'm 40 and I was 38 when I fell in love with the Traditional Latin Mass and Traditional (pre-Vatican II) Catholicism. So she has a lot of time to grow, learn and become closer to the faith. I hope she finds her way to Latin Masses where she can experience the wonder and mystery of Christ the way the church celebrated it for centuries, before the modernization. And the church will eventually come back around. Mary said as much. The church would go through turmoil, and apostasy, but it would not fall. The truth will return. And many churches are starting to revert back to Traditional Latin Masses. My church is coming up on the year anniversary of instituting the Traditional Mass on the first Saturday of the month in honor of Mother Mary. Upon the year anniversary, our church has the opportunity to extend it to more Traditional Masses than just once. 

This is happening all over. So she will eventually be exposed to the church as it once was before the modernization, and then she'll feel the splendor of the church in it's true Glory.

I'm also quite surprised she has changed her mind about sex and birth control since becoming Catholic. It was the one thing I gave her a hard time about. She didn't agree with the Catholic stance on birth control, however it is not our stance, it is biblical, and I gave examples as to how that is. While I doubt she actually read this blog, I see she is understanding the biblical precedence behind it.

God bless this young girl and her journey. I hope she finds love in Christ, and Peace in the Catholic Faith, as I have. If I come across more updates on her journey, I'll be sure to share. You can also follow her yourself, on her channel "LizzieAnswers".

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