Thursday, March 16, 2017

Marian Apparitions Part 2

As stated in the previous blog on Marian Apparitions, the church does not accept on blind faith that they are true. There are many tests that need to be done to make sure these visions are from God. Christ warns us to test all spirits, and that many false prophets will go out into the world.

I am in full belief that some apparitions of Mary are actually demonic in nature. Satan is very real and we'll talk about him in a future post. But the devil, demons, they exist and they are out to seek the ruin of souls.

They do appear to us at times as Saints or even the Blessed Mother or Christ himself. He teaches wicked heresy in hopes of convincing those who do not know better into following him off the path of Christ.

Medjugorje is one such place that I believe is demonically influenced and it pains me to see the Vatican softening on it... however considering the heresy coming out of Vatican II, and especially the current pope (Francis), I'm not surprised. But we'll talk more about Vatican II soon as it ties in with the 100 years of Fatima.

There are 3 big reasons we believe Medjugorje to be demonic.

1. The "visionaries" have issues with the truth. They have been caught in more than one lie. For example... when they first saw "The Blessed Mother" they admitted they were hiding to have a smoke (they were children which is why they were doing that in secret). Suddenly that changed to they were tiptoeing through the tulips picking flowers.

2. The things Mary has been saying to the visionaries is heresy... and a complete contradiction to everything she has ever said in accepted apparitions to true visionaries

3. It has pitted brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, rather than bringing people together as most of the apparitions have.

What are some of the red flags of Medjugorje besides what I stated above?

1. That we need to respect ALL religions and their gods. (including religions that mock her son) Christ himself told us that he is the way, the truth and the light. No one goes to the Father but through him. So it would be heresy to tell people to respect all religions, because it would be condoning their denial of her Son.

2. One visionary went into a trance during an alleged apparition, she was tested during this time and flinched. (If she were truly in an ecstasy, she would have been unmovable.) in an odd response to that assertion, she claims she did not flinch because of the external tests that were being tried on her, BUT BECAUSE SHE WAS TRYING TO STOP MARY FROM DROPPING THE INFANT JESUS SHE WAS HOLDING IN HER ARMS!!!

Mary dropping our Lord and Savior??

3. They have stated on record they never saw her feet. In most apparitions they describe Mary as having golden roses on her feet, or standing on the sun. Her feet seem to be hidden in these visions. Renowned exorcists around the world agree that the only thing a demon can't change are its hooves. Is she hiding her feet because the feet would give away a demonic secret?

4. Some signs never came to be, where in real apparitions, Mary never failed to be shown true.

There was one time a visionary stated Mary prayed the Lord's Prayer (the our Father) with them. She said the whole prayer. In true visions, Mary would stop at "Forgive us our trespasses" as she has no trespasses to be forgiven. But the Mary of Medjugorje spoke those words.

Other things Mary has stated that is proof these visions are fake... Mary talks about HER judgement. There was a bishop who could see Medjugorje was a fake and insisted that masses stop being held there. The Visionary stated Mary told them that if the bishop isn't converted to truth's of Medjugorje, HER judgment (as well as her son's) will strike him down. (He was neither converted to these false visions, nor he was never struck down for not converting.)

Above all blasphemies... in one vision The Virgin states that two Franciscan priests, removed from their order under suspension of wrong doings by the bishop, one of these defrocked Franciscans later fathered a child by a nun, may continue to say Mass and hear Confessions.

A priest kicked out of his order for suspicious behavior that goes on to break commandments by sinning with one who has wed herself to God to father a child with her, is suppose to continue to say Mass and hear confessions? HERESY

These visionaries claim something none of the true visionaries have claimed, these claim they touch Mary. They even shake hands with her as if she was just a regular person.

The list could go on. At the bottom I've linked a few videos that are worth a watch if you're interested in learning more.

It is quite obvious this is demonic in nature. I truly believe Medjugorje is Satan's counterpunch at Fatima.

We must remember, Satan is a great trickster. He can say niceties that seem legitimate to the untrained ear, something soothing and comforting so he can slither his heresies into your mind and take you off of God's path. He can even perform tricks and call them 'miracles'. That is why we must educate ourselves on the bible, God's word, Christ's teachings and theology.

Because we know Christ said that no one goes to the Father but through him... we know that this apparition is false because that is not what she is teaching. Because we know Mary comes as a messenger of God... we know this apparition is false because she talks too much of her will and her judgement. Because we know that Satan can't hide his hooves, we know this apparitions is false because Mary will not show her feet by their own admission.

If this anti-Pope acknowledges it as a true apparition after Marian experts, bishops and priests far more knowledgeable than he have rejected it... then I fear who this pope truly follows.

Now that is not to say all cases of false apparitions are demonic. Some are also mental illness.

There was a case in a town of Neceedah, WI. Now, while I agree with the "visionary's" assessment that Vatican II is apostate... everything else is fairly crazy.

Ufos, a 1200 year old man coming to drive chosen people in the UFO to middle earth, there is nothing wrong with NOT being Catholic, people should pray to whatever god they choose and it's okay, you should not obey ANY authority but the visionary's... saints, Jesus and Mary all appear to the visionary as she demands, and they appear to her as 6" doll sized figures.

That all sounds more mental illness than demonic.

So no, not all apparitions are accepted. They are tested and tested again, and then again before they are deemed true. (at least they were before the 2nd Vatican Council which has it's own problems with the truth. More on that later.) and yes, some are in fact, demonic in nature. That is why you must study your bible, study your theology and seek God's truth before all else. Any true vision of a saint or Mary will want you to see God's truth and God's truth only.

Hopefully you've learned a little more about the Marian apparitions in this 2 parter.

- God Bless -

I Say Amen


Medjugorje Deception <-- A MUST SEE!!!

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