Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Welcome to my Blog

You may recognize some information that will be coming to this blog. That is because I use to run a blog called Catholic Talk also here on blogger. My mind isn't as sharp as it use to be, and with multiple emails, passwords, for various websites, blogs, social media accounts... I forgot the email and password used, and thus I have lost access to that account. *Sigh*

So for those returning from that blog, Welcome back. For those seeing this for the first time, Welcome. And God bless you all.

This is a Traditional Catholic blog (Pre-Vatican II) what you can expect to find in coming days:

1. Discussions about why there are Catholics who practice Pre-Vatican II Catholicism

2. What issues we have found in Vatican II, and the heresy we feel is being taught.

3. Discussions for our protestant and non-Christian friends to clear up misconceptions they have about the Catholic church and what we actually believe. Some facts may surprise you as they are completely different from what many have been taught about us Catholics. (For example: We do NOT worship statues, saints are NOT demi-gods to us, we do NOT worship our Blessed Mother nor place her on the same level as God.)

And there will be discussions about a variety of faith related issues, as well as editorials on current events in the Catholic world.

I am not an apologetic, I am simply a woman who has studied theology, the bible and had many discussions with Novus Ordo priests as well as Traditional Catholic priests. I am sharing my beliefs, my thoughts, and things I have learned on my journey. I welcome loving debate.

Please also note: This blog runs in ascending order, meaning the newest blog will always be at the top. So please make sure you go back and read previous blogs, especially if the new blog is in relation to something already discussed.

All that said, I simply want to speak about God, and his divine love and mercy.

So welcome one and all no matter your race or religion (or lack there of). I welcome you all with love for being willing to open your hearts to what I have to say. I am not here to convert, merely speak what I've come to believe is the truth.
If anything I say brings someone closer to God and a better understanding and appreciation of the Catholic faith, then Glory be God's name.

Bookmark this page for updates!

May the Peace of God be with you, and with your spirit.

- I Say Amen

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